Antonio Edson

Antonio Edson

Born in Leandro Ferreira and raised in Pitangui (MG). From the tallness of his 1,54m of height, has played every possible sport and, making his agility, ability and capacity for impulsion count, became a pro player on the cities' basketball team.   At 17 years old came to Belo Horizonte to conclude a scientific course and joined UFMG's University Theater (TU), directed by Haydée Bittencourt. 

Wrapping up the course, begun to study Letras (Literature) at the same university. Having maintained contact with TU, Toninho was appointed by Haydée to receive a scholarship from the Göethe Institut and attend the workshop by Munique's Live Theater members.  Since then, his artistic trajectory coincides with Galpão's, having actively participated on its projects since the foundation. 

His father was a traveling clerk; his mother, a housewife. Is married to Elisa, storyteller, and father to the most beautiful boys in the world, Manoel and Dersu. On Television, has participated on the soap opera “Da Cor do Pecado” and the microseries “Hoje é Dia de Maria”, directed by Luiz Fernando Carvalho. On Cinema, “O Menino da Porteira”, by Jeremias Moreira, “É Proibido Fumar”, by Anna Muylaert and “A Família Dionti”, by Alan Minas.