Fernanda Vianna

Fernanda Vianna

Actress and professional ballerina, Fernanda Vianna integrates Grupo Galpão, where she has taken part in the pieces “Romeu e Julieta” (as Juliet), “A Rua da Amargura”, “Um Molière Imaginário”, “Partido”, “Um Trem Chamado Desejo”, “O Inspetor Geral”, “Um Homem é um Homem”, “Tio Vânia (aos que vierem depois de nós)” (as Helena), “De Tempo Somos” and the most recent “Outros”.

She initiated her professional activities as ballerina with the Trans-Forma Group and integrated the dance group Primeiro Ato, where she received the SESC/Sated Award for Best Ballerina with the piece “Carne Viva”.

Has worked as body training coach for pieces in Grupo Galpão, Companhia Teatral Odeon, Grupo Armatrux, with director Eid Ribeiro, and also on Silvia Negrão and Marina Machado music shows. 

Has graduated in physiotherapy by UniBH University Center, with specialization in Pilates by Physio Pilates of Brasil.

On video and cinema, has worked on “Pequenas Estórias” by Pedro Bial, “Vinho de Rosas” and “O Crime da Atriz” by Elza Cataldo, “5 Frações de uma Quase Estória” by Camisa Listrada, “Hoje é dia de Maria” by Luiz Fernando Carvalho, “Moscou” by Eduardo Coutinho, “Transeuntes” by Eryk Rocha, “O País do Desejo” by Paulo Caldas, “Mão na Luva” by Roberto Bomtempo, “Meu Pé de Laranja Lima” by Marcos Bernstein, “O Que se Move” by Caetano Gotardo, “Uma Noite não é Nada” by Alain Fresnot and “O Lodo” by Helvecio Ratton. 

Has participated on the soap opera “Além do Horizonte” playing the part of Berenice, and on the series “Justiça”, by Manuela Dias. Starred in the Christmas special “O Natal de Rita”, by Ricardo Alves Jr, in Rede Globo Minas.

In 2017, directed the children's piece “Berenice e Soriano” by Manuela Dias, for which she has received the Best Play and Best Director awards. 

Has received the Best Actress Award in Fortaleza's festival on 1999 for her acting on the video “Toda Hora é Hora”. For “O Que se Move”, has received the Best Actress Award on Gramado's Internationational Cinema Festival in 2012.