Júlio Maciel

Júlio Maciel

Born in Belo Horizonte on January 12th, 1967. Graduated as an actor from the University Theater of Minas Gerais, the Federal University's technical course, on 1989.

By the end of the year 1990, was invited to join the production “Álbum de Família”, by Grupo Galpão and direction by Eid Ribeiro. Since then he became actor/associate in the company, participating in almost every production of the group.

On 1995, funded Cia. Cínica de Artes Cênicas, responsible for the production of the pieces “Catavento” and “Don Perlimplin”. 

Coordinated Galpão Cine Horto's project “Oficinão” on the years of 1999, 2001 and 2003, being responsible for directing the pieces “Caixa Postal 1500”, “Cães de Palha”, “A Vida é Sonho”, and alongside Chico Pelúcio and Lydia Del Picchia, directed the piece “In Memorian”.

Signed the dramaturgy for the piece “Papo de Anjo”, first production of Pé na Rua Project, by Galpão Cine Horto.

Invited by Grupo do Beco do Aglomerado Santa Lúcia, signed the direction of the piece “Bendita a Voz Entre as Mulheres”, alongside Ana Domitila. In 2009, signed the direction of the play “Till - A Saga De Um Herói Torto”, by Grupo Galpão. 

During these 30 years of uninterrupted work with Grupo Galpão, has developed many theater workshops in every part of Brazil, having also directed plays in variou cities.