Paulo André

Born in Itabirito, Minas Gerais, on February 24th, 1963. On 1983, he initiates activities with theater in Belo Horizonte.  On April 1994, was invited by Grupo Galpão to be the assistant director in the piece “A Rua da Amargura”, but Gabriel Villela summoned him immediately to the play's cast. Since then he integrates the group, having participated in every piece the group has made not only as an actor, but also as assistant director, dramaturge and costume designer. On Cinema, amongst other productions, has made “A Fronteira”, by Rafael Conde (2006), “Tricoteios”, short-film directed by Eduardo Moreira and Rodolfo Magalhães (2007), “Moscou”, by Eduardo Coutinho (2009), “O Homem das Multidões”, by Marcelo Gomes and Cao Guimarães (2013), “Joaquim”, by Marcelo Gomes (2017), “Luna”, by Cris Azzi (2019), “Cidade Pássaro”, by Matias Mariani (2020).