Simone Ordones
Begun as an actress in 1983, studying in Pedro Paulo Cava's theater workshop (BH). Has worked for 10 years in the company. Sonho e Drama (BH), in the pieces: "A Metamorfose" and "O Processo” (1984), both adaptations of Franz Kafka's work, in "Grande Sertão: Veredas” (1985), adaptation of Guimarães Rosa's work, and "A Casa do Girassol Vermelho” (1989), adaptation of Murilo Rubião's short stories, amongst other pieces. Is an active member of Grupo Galpão (BH) since 1994.
On theater, has taken part as an actress on the pieces: “A Rua da Amargura” (1994) by Eduardo Garrido with direction by Gabriel Villela; "Um Molière Imaginário” (1997), adaptation of the play “The Hypocondriac” by Molière, directed by Eduardo Moreira; "Partido” (1998), adaptation of Ítalo Calvino's work directed by Cacá Carvalho; “Um Trem Chamado Desejo” (2000) by Luis Alberto Abreu directed by de Chico Pelúcio; "O Inspetor Geral” (2003) by Nikolai Gógol and directed by Paulo José; “Um Homem é um Homem” (2005) by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Paulo José; “Os Pequenos Milagres” (2007) by Maurício Arruda Sampaio and directed by Paulo de Moraes; "Till, a Saga de Um Herói Torto” (2009) by Luis Alberto Abreu and directed by Júlio Maciel; "Eclipse" (2012) based on Anton Tchekhov's short stories and directed by Jurij Alschitz; "Os Gigantes da Montanha” by Luigi Pirandello (2013) and directed by Gabriel Villela, "De Tempo Somos - um Sarau do Grupo Galpão” (2014) directed by Lydia Del Picchia and Simone Ordones, and “Outros”(2018) directed by Márcio Abreu.
Has directed on theater: "Pastelão e a Torta", canovaccio commedia dell' arte, by Cia. Sonho e Drama (1993); "O Baile" by Eduardo Moreira and Glicério Rosário - Pé na Rua Project in Galpão Cine Horto (2006) - directed in partnership with Glicério Rosário; "De Tempo Somos do Grupo Galpão (2014) - directed in partnership with Lydia Del Picchia; “O Firme Soldadinho de Chumbo" (2017) on Oficinão Escola, Galpão Cine Horto's project, and "Nós" by Grupo Galpão (2016) - assistant director.
On cinema, participated as actress in “Moscou” (2009), by Eduardo Coutinho, “Para Tchékhov” (2013), short-film directed by Inês Peixoto and “Eu não existo longe de você” (2020), short-film directed by Rafael Assunção. On TV, has acted in “A Paixão Segundo Ouro Preto”, TV special based on “A Rua da Amargura” (1994) by Eduardo Garrido.